January 02, 2010

Consumerism saves the day

Okay so i got yelled at for being a nice guy and letting someone use the pc i bought for charmaine, BIG DEAL. i got her a laptop didnt i? laptop spoil then I FIX LA. cannot wait isit? In the mean time since we're all so calculative, then gimme back the laptop i gave YOUR friends. now now, no, no later, NOW!

Everything has to end with a victor why u not success yet victor why things break down victor why u cannot fix it now victor why you talk to me like that victor why do your parents blame you for everything but themselves dont wana level up and channel levelled up attributes properly so their hero doesnt suck.

i found the solution. <-- go me!


okay so i have this theory aeons ago... my dad started sleeping in the living room and he 'gave' me his closet. since that episode my mum had to move ONE CLOSET full of 1975 fashion and accessories out and dump in all around any available crevice in her room so my dad can use the supposedly spare closet. SO if i get a new closet:

1. i can get vintage and pungent closet out of my room and into the balcony...

2. my dad can get his stuff out and use back his old closet from 1975 and its a bigger closet, so...

3. my mum can have back her personal space and clean up her room... meaning that...

4. territory lines in my house are redrawn.... so like in romance of the three kingdoms...

5. wei(father) wu(mother) and shu(me) territories are satisfied and wont be left wanting.

NEW closet bonuses: (stacked)

1. new closet is definitely cooler.

2. its smaller and more functional and compact.

3. it has a mirror so i can see my ugly self everyday and hopefully talk down to myself in the mirror enough to do more weights and situps and pushups and look good and momentumise that to have a good thing going and get married to some hot bimbo and have 300 kids so i can look at my 300 and go THISSS ISSS AWESOMEEEEEE, (then i ask who's your daddy and enjoy the warcry)

4. with more space i can throw in another bed. dunno for what though. maybe dating then can bring girls home(i wish) and if wishes come true... i will have the capacity to accomodate! since capacity to accomodate > dreams coming true, and are also awesome precursors to facilitate that.

5. i can finally do up charmaine's com too. (subplot can be acheived because i'm finally more organised)

if all the problems in the world can be slowly mitigate by consumerism so be it. i shall spend time and money and energy into making home awesome but still threaten to move out if the parents keep using the same stale stinko lines at me which include and encompass, but are not restricted to the following:- (rebuttals in brackets)

(nbcb u buy one big fark isit limpeh can buy erso)

(cos u all arent and i spent all my money on people we love so we're the same)

(i'm generous and rich thats why i can pay the electricity and internet and cable bills and buy u stuff like a new TEEVEE and COMPUTER and it goes to the home anyway and besides its an awesome way to keep positive channeling fortune coming in)

(cos i sleep over at girls house cannot isit, okay next time i bring girls home u want?)
[note to self: must buy another bed before pulling this stunt, so it doesnt backfire]

(cos the fridge is in chaotic pandemonium, like ground zero but temperature almost zero also, hey... victor why u have a fridge in your room...)

I feel like Liubei finally getting a Kongming grapple on things. Just don't think too far cos all of u know how shu guo ended. So i have to get married and move out before that, and sidestep the decline period.

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